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Lamont Family


Psalm 46

These images were taken during an afternoon walk along Lorne Coastal Reserve. I enjoy capturing landscape, texture and colour in unedited form, with my phone (Sony Xperia Z5 Premium). The scenes captured that afternoon remind me of Psalm 46, where the Lord says in verse 10 “Be still, and know that I am God”.

Erskine River

The Sea



Painting the music

During a Junior School artwork task, Isaiah painted what he felt/thought while listening to 3 pieces of music - #thatPOWER (will.i.am feat. Justin Bieber), Sleeping Beauty Waltz (Tchaikovsky), Mas Que Nada (feat. Gracincha Leporace). Isaiah was supplied with acrylic paint (red, blue, yellow, green), a thick and thin paintbrush and 225gsm A4 paper for each painting.

That Power

Sleeping Beauty Waltz

Mas Que Nada


Elijah created this jellyfish out of paper and sticky tape, to sell for 50 cents. It began as a paper box, he cut strips of paper for the legs and decorated it with textas and crayon. He notes, if you turn the jellyfish upside down it is also a spider.

A Jellyfish