Questions & Answers
Sunday Services
Before you come
Our Sunday Service times are 9am, 11am & 5pm. During December and January, our service times follow the Summer and Christmas Service Times. Full details are available at our Services Page CLICK HERE.
Please plan to arrive 5-10 minutes before the service begins, to allow us to say hello and welcome you in.
When attending our Sunday Services, our welcoming team will be present to greet and assist you.
Videos of what arriving at our building might look like are available on our Sunday Services page.
You are welcome to come along as you are. Some may wish to bring a bible, pen, notebook for during the service.
For further details see our FAQ Health Guidelines
During the service
Our services are held in our auditorium and for larger services we have additional seating in our hall.
There is a reserved area (3 rows left of the auditorium doors, towards the back) for those who are medically vulnerable [eg. the immunocompromised, heart/lung conditions, elderly]. Given the configuration of air flow in the building, we think this reserved area is the safest part of the auditorium.
Sunday School runs during school term and is available during our 9am & 11am Sunday Services. After the children's song, children will be invited to move to their Sunday School learning areas, held upstairs at our Learning Level.
Sunday School has two groups - Little Sunday School (for children in 3 & 4 Year-Old Kinder) and Big Sunday School (for children in Prep/Foundation to Grade 6). If your child is unwell, we ask that you view our Health Guidelines before they attend Sunday School.
Children are welcome to stay in the service.
Sunday Youth is a bible study for Secondary Year 7 & Year 8 and runs during school term. After the children's song, Sunday Youth will meet in the foyer before moving to their Sunday Youth room. For further details email our youth pastor: youth@bpc.org.au
Creche is available at the 9am & 11am service for 6 months of age to 2 year olds, and begins after the children's song.
If your child is unwell, we ask that you check our Health Guidelines, before sending them to creche.
If it is your child's first time in creche, please meet one of our Welcomers at the front entrance for further information.
A cry room is located left of the auditorium and has one-way glass windows, a change table and microwave/sink facilities. The disabled toilet also has changing facilities for babies.
After the service
We invite you to stay for a cuppa and refreshments after the service.
We encourage parents to pack nut-free snacks for children to eat before or after Sunday School, as there will be limited refreshments served after 9am & 11am Sunday Services.
Where parents are available to supervise, the indoor playground slide and gym is available for use after the service finishes.
Health Guidelines
The government no longer requires a Conditions of Entry policy so we no longer require people to stay away from church (and ministry groups) if they display any covid, cold or flu-like symptoms. If you or your child are sick, we ask and hope that people will love their neighbour and stay home. However, if one has passed the infectious period of an illness, and for example has, a post-viral (or occasional) cough, we don't want you (or families) to stay away unnecessarily.
For preschool aged ministry and groups please have a read of our policy [Click here].
We ask that people make thoughtful and loving choices, as we seek to gather in person for the good of all.
It is good to remember there are other infectious diseases and we do not want these to spread through church. We should follow the exclusion guidelines used by schools. For example, if your child has symptoms of gastro, you should exclude them from church until there has not been vomiting or a loose motion for at least 48 hours.
See the “Minimum period of exclusion from primary schools and children’s services for infectious diseases cases and contacts” available at https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/infectious-diseases/school-exclusion/school-exclusion-table
We have developed a Sickness Policy for preschool aged ministry and groups. The aim is to create a common understanding of expectations in an area where opinions can differ significantly.
Please have a read of the policy [Click here] and use it to guide your decisions when participating in Creche, Little Sunday School and Playgroup.
Other Questions
Typically the BPC office is staffed on Wednesday and Friday, 10am-12pm during school term. BPC staff can be contacted via email office@bpc.org.au or phone (03) 9017 9037 during other days of the week.
During the week we run preschool groups. More information on our preschool groups is available here.
Kids Club is a Friday afternoon program for Grades 3-6 during school term. For more details Click Here
Bundy Youth is a program for high school aged students on Friday nights throughout the school term. For more details Click Here
The BPC Library normally opens Sundays 10.15am-11am, however borrowing is different during the Summer holidays. Visit the Library page for further details.
Our main areas, the Auditorium, Foyer and Playground, have Air Change heat recovery units that brings in 100% fresh air. This is the best possible solutions as there is no recirculation of at all.
The remaining areas (generally ceiling mounted fully recirculating cassette units) have the mandatory outside (fresh) air requirements supplied by a fan and this additional air then leaks back to the common areas where it is either exhausted by the base building toilet exhaust system/s or leaks out through the building fabric.
The Board of Management intend to watch and follow the government’s current advice to school class rooms.
Should you have any other questions please contact us by emailing office@bpc.org.au or phone (03) 9017 9037. A pastor or one of our staff team will reply to you as soon as possible.