Four Reasons To Seek Out Christian Fellowship




I have had the pleasure today of attending the first day of the two day Gospel Coalition Council meeting which is being held in Melbourne this year.


I have been thinking why I enjoy this even though it is two days of meetings and have found four reasons for my enjoyment which I share with you as I think these are good reasons for us all to seek out Christian fellowship, things which can make our own weekly fellowship encouraging.


Firstly it is good to learn from other brothers and sisters as God has been teaching them.


In my case I value what I learn from these brothers about perseverance in Christian service and seeking God’s help when facing challenges to ministry, whether that has been sickness, bereavement, or financial pressures – all experienced by members of the council. I am encouraged by their persevering commitment to teach the truth faithfully and to make the gospel known, and their speaking of the fruit God has brought over the years – whether that is in new congregations started [e.g. by the Trinity network in Adelaide or the congregations planted out of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Sydney] or hearing from Richard Chin of the impact on campuses around Australia of the Meet Jesus Mission.


Secondly it is good to be reminded of the work of God beyond my own back yard.

I find it easy to be focused only on the work God has given us to do here – in my locality, or in my denomination. But mixing with believers from other denominations and States and believers who, like Bill Salier who works for Gafcon [The Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans], are engaging with Christians in many different parts of the world, reminds me that the Lord Jesus wants disciples from all nations and is at work through His people in making disciples of all nations. The work of the gospel is a world encompassing work, and there are needs and opportunities beyond our own backyard.


Thirdly, speaking with others engaged in the work of the gospel can alert me to issues they see emerging in our context.

Two were mentioned today. Firstly the impact of the rise in the cost of living and the expensiveness of housing on people pursuing study for the ministry or thinking of undertaking a traineeship. We ask the Lord to raise up labourers for the harvest, and we need the Lord to give us people who will be pastors and teachers. But is the consciousness of the cost making us reluctant to encourage people to consider such service or to undertake study? Are we in that reluctance playing down the reality that service of the Lord Jesus is always costly, and also showing an inadequate trust in His faithfulness to supply all our needs? And should congregations seek to share the cost by adequately supporting those who train and study, and then ensuring that those who teach them are provided for? That is a real question for us for at the moment we contribute nothing to the support of students for the ministry, and we have as yet not set aside regular funding in our budget for traineeships. Are we really seeking the Lord to raise up labourers into the harvest?


The second issue is the distinction between discipleship and training, and are we neglecting basic discipleship in favour of training for specific service in our congregations. This again can be an aspect of focusing just on our own particular work and needs. We need both training and discipleship, but helping people to be disciples of Jesus is the priority for establishing people in a persevering faith and the foundation of all other service, not just amongst us but everywhere. And helping others to be disciples of Jesus is something all of us have a role in. Hearing the discussion challenged me to think through where we are focusing our effort in our congregation.


Fourthly, getting together with articulate and committed believers from other denominations reminds me of what we share in common and what unites all believers, and that is the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


By faith in that gospel, summarised by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 – the gospel that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, was buried, and was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures – believers are united to Christ and to each other, a spiritual union. It is always good to be encouraged to focus on the main things of our faith – for that gospel and what it brings to those who believe it is so good. In the gospel we meet the true God, Father, Son and Spirit, the God who loves us and cares for us, for whom nothing, not even the Son becoming flesh to save us, is impossible, the God who is wholly just even as He justifies the ungodly, the God who can speak and cause His word to be written down for His people for their continuing instruction and encouragement. It is good to know the God of the gospel. Believing the gospel we are forgiven, adopted as God’s children, given the Holy Spirit who changes us into the likeness of the Son, know the power and truth of His word, and have a hope of eternal life. It is always good to gather with other believers around the gospel.

In as sense these are the things which should also make our gathering with other believers on Sunday and in our growth groups a pleasure, things we should intentionally welcome and promote. Learning from what God has been teaching our brothers and sisters as they persevere in trusting Jesus in all the ups and downs of life. Having our sense of God’s work broadened beyond our own life and preoccupations. Being alerted by the awareness of others to challenges that may be undermining our own discipleship. And rejoicing in what we have in common, the saving gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, keeping that as the foundation and centre of our fellowship with each other. Seek out these things in your conversations with each other, and I hope you will enjoy the encouragement they bring.


Thanks to all who turned out for the congregational meeting on Tuesday night. I am thanking God for the generosity of the congregation that made it possible to approve the budget and within it the terms of call. In doing this we have completed another step in the moving to call a new senior minister. I pray the Lord would continue to make us generous to support the work of the gospel in and through the congregation, and let’s all keep praying for the work of the selection committee and that God would provide for us a godly and faithful pastor and teacher of His word.